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Countrywide Healthcare Supplies

Suprem Lilfit A-O-I Medium Super Plus (LSFT7231BR ) - Pack 22


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See Additional Information for detailed product specification

Ideal solution for managing moderate to heavy urinary incontinence
Breathable - waterproof backing enables air ow to maximise skin integrity
Absorbency - double absorbent core in the centre of the pad to optimise absorbency level
No leakage - hydrophobic leg cuffs prevent sideways leakage
Discrete - quiet polyethylene back sheet limits awkward noise helping to preserve the users dignity
Wetback - the acquisition layer improves the rate of absorption, greatly reducing the risk of leakage and any feeling of wetness
The wetness indicator will turn blue in contact with urine and indicates when the pad should be changed for maximum comfort
Odour control - New generation super absorbent polymer, maximises the absorbency level and neutralises odours

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