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Zybax Ready to Use Trigger - Fresh Mint Fragrance' 750ml - EACH

  • 4 Active Odour Eliminators
  • Perfect For Use On All Surfaces
  • Ideal For Stubborn Odours
  • Non-hazardous liquid
  • Fresh mint fragrance
  • Ready To Use - 750ML

Zybax Ultra RTU is the utimate ready-to-use biological multi-purpose cleaner and odour eliminator. Using a state-of-the-art formulation combining bespoke multi-strain bacteria and instant action Odourbond™ with the latest environment-friendly surfactants.

Ideal for eliminating odours from carpets, upholstery and curtains, washrooms, floors, walls, etc. and can be used to clean toilets and urinals. A really versatile product that provides an all round multi-purpose cleaner together with an effective odour eliminator in a ready to use solution.

Instant action Odourbond™ is a specially formulated odour bonding reagent which attacks odours on a molecular level; changing the structure so you can no longer smell it.